Torsten Kolehmainen
+358 45 126 6936
Torsten "Totti" Kolehmainen is a humanistic-minded M.Sc. in Economics who wants things and processes to be put in order in a way which enables customers and colleagues to maintain good working conditions and high motivation. Totti, who lives in an old house in Sääksmäki, originates from Riihimäki. He has completed his academic degrees mainly in Turku. His core competences include operative business leadership (CEO) and finance and HR management, which form the main part of his nearly 30 years of work experience. Totti is an expert who has completed dozens of recruitments and experienced a great variety of different working life situations. He is happy to serve our customers in several languages, after having worked, studied and lived in Denmark, Sweden, France and Canada, in addition to Finland.
Totti's free time (when he is not renovating and maintaining their old house) is spent walking the family's dog, playing tennis and delving into polyphonic choir singing. During vacations, he prefers to travel with his wife not only to Madeira but also to other parts of Europe, as well.
Master of Philosophy from the University of Turku, 1993
Master of Economics from Åbo Akademi, 1999
HHJ 2020