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Jukka-Pekka Annala

+358 50 444 4455



Jukka-Pekka, JP, for the wife just "mere" amore. That's a couple of nicknames for the CEO of Armstrong family. To avoid confusion, we chose as the email address.

As well as many nicknames, this entrepreneurial soul has tried out many professions: coach, psychologist, chef, restaurateur, recruitment consultant, construction worker, painter, and hockey player. The longest career (25 years in April 2022) in human resources and recruitment.

JP has a black belt in learning from mistakes and a brown belt in recovering quickly. A thirst for learning, humility and curiosity for the new are traits he brings to work every day. Changing the world for the better and, in particular, valuing the skills of employees and finding talent inspires this 'Teisko-Italian' wonderer, who sees the potential for success in almost any situation. JP is an expert in the world of work and a challenger of superfluous traditions.
Master of Psychology
Tampere JOKO XX

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